Oct 8, 2009

Creating fancy server message with figlet

Every time you log in to the server you can see a message that is shown on the terminal. The message comes from the file /etc/motd (message of the day). If you want the users to notice your message, you can make it a little bit fancy :) You can use figlet to do that. Figlet can create multiple types of ascii text messages in nice font. More about this tool is available on http://www.figlet.org/

To install figlet type in command prompt: sudo apt-get install figlet

Now, to create Fancy server name text and center it horizontally (as image shows), use this command:
$ figlet -f block -c "Fancy server name" > /etc/motd

You can use more types of fonts specified with -f option, but only one at a time. To list a directory with available figlet fonts use:
$ figlet -I2

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