Oct 12, 2009

Access your Box.net account as a folder in ubuntu

Box.net is offering 1GB of free space for your storage. It is also a great substitution for micro$oft sharepoint. I wanted to access the box.net account directly from my Desktop. To accomplish that I have created a launcher on the Desktop. To create a box.net free account visit http://box.net/ to check the howto proceed with reading :)

At first install davfs2 support by typing:
$ sudo apt-get install davfs2

Create a file (this will be a launcher icon) on yout desktop by typing in console. You can use any editor you like, my fave is vi so I will use that:
$ vi ~/Desktop/Box.desktop

Paste this thing into the Box.desktop file:
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]

Now just doubleclick on the desktop icon. You will be prompted for login and password. You can make ubuntu remember your password by selecting remember password forever. You can also edit file /etc/davfs2/secrets to store your password and login there.