Nov 23, 2009

Guake drop down terminal

Guake is a top-down terminal for Gnome (in the style of Yakuake for KDE, Tilda or the terminal used in Quake). You can start Guake with F12 key. You can customize guake to suit your needs. To install guake type in terminal:

sudo apt-get install guake

To make guake run at startup, type in console:

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/guake.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/

To learn more about guake, visit

Nov 12, 2009

Howto turn numlock on at startup in ubuntu

It is pretty annoying that ubuntu has numlock off as default during startup for people that use digits in their passwords. Good thing is, it's not that hard to change this. To turn numlock on during startup by default proceed with these commands in terminal:

First install numlockx - program to control the NumLock key inside X11 session scripts:
baban@brux:~$ sudo apt-get install numlockx

Now create a backup file for /etc/gdm/Init/Default
baban@brux:~$ sudo cp /etc/gdm/Init/Default /etc/gdm/Init/Default_backup

Open the file in your fave editor (vi, gedit, nano):
baban@brux:~$ sudo vi /etc/gdm/Init/Default

Insert these lines before "exit0":
if [ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ]; then
/usr/bin/numlockx on

Next time you log in a numlock will be on.

Nov 5, 2009

How to add a second disk to your ubuntu box using command line

Recently I have installed ubuntu karmic (9.10) on my old box. It also had a second older disk (160Gb) with FreeBSD on it, which I wanted to use within this box. Adding another disk via command line is not that hard as you might think it is, but I don't reccomend doing it by yourself if you have just switched to ubuntu from window$. Anyways I have tested this howto on karmic koala and it worked like a breeze, but don't blame me when somthing goes wrong - use this howto at your own risk :P

At first I will post a short overview of what needs to be done:

1, Partition the disk with fdisk
2, Create the filesystem on the partition with mkfs
3, Mount the filesystem with mount and /etc/fstab file

Oct 29, 2009

Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is now available

Canonical has announced the release of Ubuntu 9.10 See the press release, release notes and feature overview for more information. Get them from: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso and ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso

New features introduced with Karmic Koala:
  • Faster, simplified, better-looking boot experience for most users

  • Audio revamp allowing improved sound control across multiple applications

  • Firefox 3.5: latest, fastest, most secure web browser yet from Mozilla

  • Software Center
  • Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC)

  • Grub2 by default

  • Ext4 filesystem by default

Oct 23, 2009

Ubuntu 9.10 - Karmic Koala RC released

Steve Langasek has announced the availability of the one and only release candidate for Ubuntu 9.10, code name "Karmic Koala": "The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the Release Candidate for Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop and Server editions, Ubuntu 9.10 Server for UEC and EC2, and the Ubuntu Netbook Remix. We consider this release candidate to be complete, stable, and suitable for testing by any user. Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop edition improves on the work of 9.04 to get you going faster, with improved start-up times and a streamlined boot experience."

Get RC 9.10 images here:
Ubuntu 9.10 RC 32bit
Ubuntu 9.10 RC 64bit

Oct 21, 2009

Full circle magazine issue 29

Full Circle is a free, independent, magazine dedicated to the Ubuntu family of Linux operating systems. Each month, it contains helpful how-to articles and reader submitted stories. Besides Ubuntu other flavours of *buntu are being mentioned in the articles such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu... Here are the main topics included in 29-th issue:
  • Command and Conquer
  • How-To: Program in Python – Part 3, LAMP Server – Part 2, Virtual Private Networking.
  • My Story – One Man’s Journey, and Walk With Ubuntu.
  • Review – Kompozer.
  • MOTU Interview – Iulian Udrea.
  • Top 5 – Physics Games.
  • Ubuntu Games, as well as all the usual goodness!
Get this and all other issues from fullcircle webpage:

Oct 20, 2009

Funny login message with fortune

Fortune is a nice piece of code that prints out a random epigram. Epigrams are divided into several categories. To make it print an epigram upon logging in the console, we need to install it first:

sudo apt-get install fortune

As per step 2, we need to add this to ~/.bashrc file
if [ -x /usr/games/fortune ]; then /usr/games/fortune -s fi

Now, every time you log in to your console you will see some funny text as a welcome message generated by fortune like:
You are a very redundant person, that's what kind of person you are.

Or like this:
You will be run over by a bus.